Figure Skating Leg Warmers
Insulating and Protective Leg Warmers
Improved Warmth. Improved Performance.
Out on the ice, it’s all about steady balance from fast glides, to smooth turns, and perfect landings. Protect your legs throughout this hard work. Fit leg warmers for improved warmth and insulation, and discover the difference in your footwork and movements. Skate with total leg support and protection.
Shop Leg Warmers
Maximum Insulation and Protection
At Figure Skating Boutique, we’re here to train better, and complete your look on the ice. Add leg warmers to your practice and performance skating ensembles for added warmth and protection. Support your legs for improved strength and performance — fast glide, clear and precise footwork, and steady balance. Staying warm does all that, and more. Browse our selection of leg warmers in your favourite colours and various lengths.